วันพุธที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

The Similan Islands

The Similan Islands are situated about 100 km northwest of Phuket.This group of islands, a national marine park, is a diver's paradise.With an average water temperature around 28° C and a visibility which often exceeds 25 meters, diving is always very enjoyable.Diving conditions are almost always excellent. Beautiful hard coral gardens en huge amounts of small reef fishes welcome divers. When lucky a leopard shark or whitetip reef shark can be seen. The Similan Islands are perfect for photographers and videographers and offer beautiful underwater panoramas. These islands are also an ideal place for macro video & photography.Unusual fishes that can be found are different kinds of anglerfish and ghost pipefish.
The absolute highlight on a Similan trip is a visit to Richelieu Rock.This rocky outcrop in open sea is a gathering point for huge schools of trevallies (Jacks), barracuda's and snappers. Sometimes a manta ray or whale shark visits this marvellous dive spot.But Richelieu Rock is much more then this. Many nudibranchs, tigertail seahorses, anglerfish, ghostpipefish are frequently seen.Many species of soft and hard corals conquered a spot on this unique rock formation.Every dive again you get surprised about the enormous diversity of marine life. This is a top spot for every photographer and videographer.
After the tsunami
After the tsunami of 26th of December 2004 I made more then 100 dives around the Similan islands. It's a fact that the tsunami was very destructive and some coral reefs were destroyed.Around the Similan islands only island nr 9 (Koh Bangu) was very heavily hit and pristine dive sites like Snapper Alley and Christmas point suffered huge damage. However even here is the east side of the island still very beautiful.All the other divesites in the Similans escaped, at some spots there was some damage to the table corals and the seafans but not of this level that making very nice dives was impossible.Further north Koh Bon escaped and is untouched. The plateau reef at Koh Tachai is partially damaged. Richelieu Rock is pristine as ever before, no damage visible at all.During my stay I also worked on a TV-report together with Steve Chao for CTV (Canadian Television), this to bring a neutral view telling the truth about the situation underwater after the tsunami. Sadly many news agencies spread reports and rumours about complete underwater devastation of the coral reefs after the tsunami. Also the different dive centres brought a wrong view by telling there wasn't any damage at all.The truth is that of course there is damage but this damage isn't of a level that beautiful live aboard trips aren't possible. Those few reefs which were hit extremely by the tsunami aren't of course anymore on the schedule of organized dive trips.
Thailand – Phuket – Southern Islands
The Phi Phi islands are situated south of Phuket. The two islands Phi Phi Le and Phi Phi Don also have some very interesting dive sites.Very well known are Koh Bida Nai and Koh Bida Nok. These two small islands are the place to see leopard sharks. (The bottom is at around 20 m depth).The highlight however on these dive spots are the walls which are covered with a nice diversity of seafans, soft corals and huge barrel sponges.The walls are a paradise for macro video & photography.It's not a good place for shooting panorama's as visibility is often reduced (10 – 15 meters) due to the huge amount of suspended particles in the water.During a discovery trip in search for new dive sites around the Phi Phi islands I discovered an extremely beautiful place very rich on different small creatures. This place, real muck diving, is just a heaven for every keen macro photographer and videographer.Beautiful hangovers, a cave with a long connecting channel were the home of several ornate ghost pipefish, seahorses, beautiful nudibranchs, several juveniles (crocodile fish, batfish) but also my very first spotvin anglerfish ( Antennarius nummifer ) as well as my first ‘Gorgonian shrimps' ( Tozeuma armatum ). This divespot unknown to many divecenters is absolutely worth a visit.
Koh Ha
Koh Ha, meaning in english ‘Five islands' is situated south of the Phi Phi islands.These small islands are uninhabited and the panoramas above sea level are as beautiful as these below. Very nice coral gardens everywhere and some small caves make of these islands a place where you have to dive. Visibility is much better then around the Phi Phi islands so nice shots of the underwater panoramas are here possible.This spot is also extremely nice for night dives with eroded overhangs in shallow water where many fascinating small creatures can be found.
Hin Daeng & Hin Muang
A small rocky outcrop breaking the surface betrays the presence of Hin Daeng (Thai for red rock). A few hundred meters away we can find back Hin Muang (Thai for purple rock), a dive site which rises up below the water surface to approximately 5 meters depth.These dive sites are little bit more suited for experienced divers because of the exposure to currents and the depths of more then 60 meters in which the with soft coral overgrown pinnacles slide away.These dive sites are sometimes visited by manta rays and whalesharks.The divesites are unique because of the enormous amounts of soft coral which gave these places their names. Hin Daeng and Hin Muang are situated at about 2 hours by live aboard south of Koh Ha.

Daily Snorkeling Tours to the Similan and Surin Islands

We are far more than just a dive shop. Our Snorkel tours bring you to the most beautiful snorkeling sites in Thailand. For a one day trip you can chose between a one day Similan Island or Surin Island Snorkeling trips. But we also have an amazing 3 day/2 night Similan Snorkel tours where you can stay on on boat or stay on the islands! We also have a very special “castaway” tour that lets you stay overnight on the rarely visited Koh Tachai Island – Empty beaches and personal service
All our guides are passionate about the aquatic realm and it shows! We do far more than just swim around – rather we point out special species, unique coral systems and even some of the rare animals that live on the islands – like the Nicobar Pigeon and Hairy-Legged Crabs. But be careful - you might just stay an extra few days!
Wicked snorkel trips are very family friendly and can be conducted in English, Swedish, German and Thai. We are famous for our thorough briefings and high standards!
Our Similan Overnight tours take you out for 3 days and 2 nights exploring the Similan Islands. Each overnight snorkeling tour always has guides designated specifically for you! Rejoice - the groups are always small no more than 6 guests per guide! The whole family can join as YOU choose to spend your evenings on the beach in our luxury tents, or on the boat. Our chef prepares all meals to your desires, and boy are they good. Great for the whole family as we cater to both divers and snorkelers. Stay together, yet do you own activities. The stars of the Andaman skiesWe also have the unique Castaway package that takes you to Koh Tachai Island – the least visited part of the Similan Island National Park. Empty beaches, great snorkeling and incredible service. Prices Start at 9900 Baht for Adults

Similan Island Information

The Similan Islands, located about 50 Kilometers West of Khao Lak, are composed of nine granite islands washed by a clear blue tropical ocean and blessed with some of the world’s finest beaches.
Similan is a Yawi or Malay word, which means nine or a group of nine islands. In 1982, this 128 square kilometres area was declared a marine national park, and in recent years this group of nine small islands has become one of the leading attractions for visitors to Southern Thailand.
With the establishment of stations by the Royal Forestry Department on Koh Miang and Koh Similan, fishing within the national park boundaries was banned and the unwanted visitors were substituted by tourists, especially after 1987, when leisure boats and dive operators started coming out on a regular basis.
Today Mu Koh Similan National Marine Park and all its reefs have recovered from earlier disturbances. Boats entering the Similan Islands National Park have to follow strict rules imposed and controlled by the national park officials, have to use the moorings prepared by the national park and use closed waste water systems to avoid any pollution.
Activities include Diving, Snorkeling, birding, camping and lazing on the beaches. Many tour operators make visits to these islands. Please see our links page for more information on agents we recommend.
Similan Island Information: Names

The nine Similan Islands are named from South to North.
The Southernmost island - Ko Huyong is also known as Similan Island #1Ko Payang also known as Similan Island #2Ko Payan also known as Similan Island #3Ko Miang also known as Similan Island #4 Ko Ha also known as Similan Island #5Ko Payu also known as Similan Island #6 Ko Hin Pousar also known as Similan Island #7Ko Similan also known as Similan Island #8Ko Bangu also known as Similan Island #9 is the Northernmost of the islands.
Part of the park, but geologically and physically quite separate are Koh Bon and Koh Tachai.
Ko Bon (Bon Island) - with no beach and no accommodation this is still an island to visit. A portion of the islands coral was destroyed by dynamite fishing before it became part of the National Park. It still holds some stunning scenery. This is also the most common site for sightings of Manta Rays.
Ko Tachai (Tachai Island) Tachai Island is located at the northern most tip of the park. There is a beautiful white powdered beach on the island. There are several sites suitable for SCUBA diving. In addition there are several reefs suitable for snorkeling. Whale sharks and Manta rays are often found here during their seasons. Facilities incloud a freshwater source, campsites, a restaurant and small boats for snorkeling."Similan" comes from the Sea Gypsies. They speak a language similar to Malay. They named them “The Nine Islands” (Sembilan is “nine” in Malay). They designate the islands by names in Thai-and a number. The islands achieved national park status in 1981 and thus are fully protected under Thai law.
The National Park Authority maintains a residential center for Park Rangers and support staff on two of the islands: Ko Similan (Island #8) which is the largest Island and Ko Miang (Island #4), which lies mid-way through the chain. These are the only residents allowed on the islands, excepting the overnight guests.
Recently, the islands have come to the special attention of the Thai Royal Family which further assures protection of this national treasure. The Princess has had a "cabin" built on Island #4 and visits almost every year. The Similan Islands are famous for hosting some of the most beautiful beaches, snorkeling and dive sites in Thailand and are one of the better areas for diving in the entire world. One of the most fantastic characteristics of the islands is that we have two entirely different types of environments in one destination.
the rocky slopes of the Western Islands are barren and feature massive boulders and wind swept trees. The Eastern Side features the famous white sand beaches and coral reefs.
Similan Island information: WeatherThe monsoon play an important role in all apsects of life on the Similans. The monsoons always head in from the South West over the Andaman Sea. So The east coast is protected from the monsoons features powdery coral beaches, coral gardens of hard and soft corals which slope dramatically from the surface down to approximately 30-40 meters. Whereas the West coast is generally made up of the large boulders dropping intot he depths. The flora is very much affected by the constant winds and have very daramtic scenery with no beaches (The protected Donald Duck bay is the exception)
Thailand has three seasons; cool, hot and rainy. The best time to visit (for consistently great weather if you love the sun) is between October and May. The summer months of July and August are customarily very pleasant, although it tends to rain in the evenings. September is not usually the best time on the islands, as the seas are usually too rough for swimming (or diving) and rain fall is widespread.
With regard to water clarity on the Similan Islands, the water is actually more clear during the summer months; the islands are too far offshore to be effected by freshwater run-off
Diving and snorkeling is usually equally nice in the summer months, but it may be a good idea to carry some rain gear like a poncho for transportation between the boat and the car! It's also very difficult to make it to the Similan Islands due to winds and waves. There are no day trips running. Be very WARY of companies that offer Day trips during these months. One shop in Khao Lak (Thai owned and operated) has sunk their Speedboat operating in the monsoons.
Monsoons are the major factor in the weather conditions. When they are gone, the Similans are open! Even the occasional thunderstorm presents more opportunity than harm - we just consider it air-conditioning.
There are seasonal variations in currents - as the prevailing winds that bring the monsoons also bring in colder waters from the open ocean we tend to have even clearer water. Tidal currents are strong at the narrow points in the islands and at the Northern and Southern Tips.
While conditions in Khao Lak (and to a lesser extent) are sometimes cloudy or rainy, the Similan Islands get less than 1/2 the rainfall that the mainland get.
Summer begins in mid February and ends in May. Rainy season starts from mid May till October with North - Western wind. Average annual temperature is 27๐c with average of approximately 83% humidity all year round. Average annual rainfall is measured at 3,560 millimeters with evaporation rate of 1,708 millimeters per year.

Similan Island Information: Monsoons
The northeast monsoon lasts from October until May and is considered to be the high season on the Similan Islands and in Khao Lak and is generally understood to be the best time of year for both traveling to and enjoying the Similan Islands. This is true to a certain extent, as the weather is consistent and predictable. The main reason it is the popular time, though, is that it’s winter in Europe and the States where most of our visitors come from, and people are escaping the cold.
During this time, since the wind is blowing from the northeast, on the West Coast of Thailand, boats can reach even the most remote of sites as strong winds don’t affect the sea until you reach far, far offshore. And, during the months of February, March, and April, the sea is generally flat and feels more like a lake than an ocean or sea. This is the transition time and it gets hot - 35 is not unheard of. The three months in the spring are hot here and the very best time for visiting the islands.
During the northeast monsoon, the wind can be very strong at times, 15-25 knots, so the Gulf of Thailand experiences fairly high waves and often times boats to Koh Samui or Koh Tao can not run due to the height of the waves. While that rarely affects the West Coast (Similans) it can cause some wind and even waves. Most reputable operators will advise guests of the risks (if any).
The southwest monsoon means the waves & wind now come from the southwest and since Khao Lak and the Similans face the west, the waves are hitting the West Coast beaches directly making the Andaman Sea feel more like an ocean rather than the glassy lake it usually is. Rain is more common which makes the country-side more green, tropical, and beautiful.
The Gulf, since it is protected for the most part from westerly winds, experiences flatter seas than Andaman Coast does during the southwest monsoon. However, it rains there just as much as it rains on the West Coast during that time.
The weather here is not severe. There are rarely typhoons or hurricanes or even severe tropical storms. Besides the constant heat here (and that’s not really a problem on the boats, islands or coastline) Khao Lak and the Similan Islands have some of the best and safest weather in the world.
The trick for visiting during these times is having protection from the waves. Unfortunately, many of the popular sites in the region do not have protection from rough weather. Since the sea height is unpredictable during the southwest monsoon on the Similan side, and unpredictable during the northeast monsoon on the Gulf side, it makes it difficult to plan trips to any areas that don’t offer proper protection from the waves. Thus trips toRichelieu Rock from Khao Lak are difficult since this site has little protection from the weather. Due to the distances involved in making trips to Burma (a 1,000km round trip), no one generally schedules trips to these areas during the southwest monsoon.
The main problem visiting the Similan Islands during the summer months, June until September, is the lack of people wanting to go--not that you physically cannot. At that time of year, people are traveling to more temperate climes rather than the hot tropics, so there are very few scheduled liveaboards during this time as boats can't get enough people together on a consistent basis. Almost every boat at one time or another has tried a summer schedule and few, if any, have ever been successful at it.
A couple of great links to help you see the current conditions....
Windguru gives a theoretical forecast of weather conditions.
And the Thailand Meteorlogical Department also issues advisories and forecasts.
In Addition our friends at Wicked Diving run a blog with frequent updates on conditions and diving on the Similans

Similan Island Information: Underwater geology
The monsoon play an important role in all apsects of life on the Similans. The monsoons always head in from the South West over the Andaman Sea. So The east coast is protected from the monsoons features powdery coral beaches, coral gardens of hard and soft corals which slope dramatically from the surface down to approximately 30-40 meters.
The base of these coral encrusted slopes is usually flat and forms a very nice transitional zone. The reefs are lush and teaming with life. Some very famous dive sites have been filmed and featured in many magazines and books - East of Eden, Breakfast Bend and Beacon reef are among the most famous. Because of this incredible ecosystem, you will find most of the great snorkleing sites are on the East coast.Here, the most popular activity is drift diving along hard coral gardens while watching the reef inhabitants go about their business. At several sites, large coral bommies covered with soft corals and sea fans rise dramatically from the bottom. Here, the diving is easy and navigation simple, allowing each buddy pair to explore at their own pace. The Western coast of the Similans is typified by large boulder sites with steep drops. This is incredibly scenic and makes for incredible encounters as this is where the Pelagics (ocean going fish) come in to hunt. Frequent sightings of Manta Rays, Sharks, Barracuda and many more species make this side famous. This side is more exposed to currents and makes for more exciting dives and snorkeling. There are virtually no beaches on the West Coast (Donald Duck Bay is the main exception the this rule).
If you enjoy watching and photographing small fish the Similans are unrivaled for the sheer numbers and varieties of tropicals. Nudibranchs, Ghost Pipefish, Frogfish and lots of other small things make this a heaven on earth. For the Big Fish enthusiast - We Frequently see Manta Rays, Leopard Sharks, Reef Sharks (Black-Tip, White-Tip, Grey), Several kinds of Rays, Napolean Wrasse, Bumphead Parrotfish and lots more besides... Don’t expect big fish action every dive, just enjoy the Similans for what they are famous for: Wild, unspoiled beaches, magnificent coral growth, prolific marine life, crystalline blue water and sensational underwater rock formations.